
The project categories have been adapted from Instructables' original category and channel system.  Occasionally, projects may fulfill more than one category.

Workshop: Here you will find projects that users might do in a workshop or shed: home improvement, woodworking, and working on cars or bikes.  (Find Workshop projects HERE.)

Living: Here you will find projects related to crafting, decorating, seweing, parenting, and organizing.  (Find Living projects HERE.)

Outside:  Here you will find projects related to outdoor activities like biking, hiking, flying, kites and camping.  (Find Outside projects HERE.)
Play: Here you will find projects related to fun and games.  (Find Play projects HERE.)

Technology: Here you will find projects related to technology, electricity, robotics, arduino, 3D printing, and laser cutters.  (Find Technology Projects HERE.)

Food:  Here you will find projects related to food, cooking and recipes.  (Find Food projects HERE.)