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Step 1: Propeller-Powered Car
Step 2: Materials
1/8" Bamboo skewers
Craft sticks
Craft cubes
Long rubberbands
Masking tape
Hot glue
Step 3: Make the wheels
Step 4: Make the propeller shaft
Step 5: Assemble + launch
Step 6: Tips and troubleshooting
- Remove any thin strands of dried glue before operating the car. "Hot glue strings" get tangled in the axle or propeller shaft.
- Make sure the skewers (axles) are straight. These are mass produced and can be severely warped.
- More rubberbands isn't always better. Too much energy can cause the car to spin wildly out of control.
- Wide-set wheels are more stable than narrow ones. A narrow car may flip over from the torque generated by the rubber band.
- The rubberbands may become loose over time. You can breath new life into old bands by unhooking them and tying one end into an overhand knot. Now the remaining band is shorter (and tighter) than before.
Please be sure to take video or photos if you do this project with your class and post it in the comments :)
Have fun teaching!
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.
Tools and Space
Time Per Project